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Posted by Quinn Warnick April 10, 2011 Comments Off

I hope your team work sessions on Wednesday and Friday were productive. If you used your time well, you should be able to finalize your Project #4 prospectus and begin creating your digital documentary film before this week ends. Here’s how we’ll spend our time this week:

  • On Monday, I will meet with each team for 30 minutes to review your Project #4 prospectus. These meetings will take place in my office (211 Premont Hall), not in our regular classroom. All members of your team must attend (if you can’t remember your meeting time, check with your teammates!), and you should bring two printed copies of your completed prospectus to the conference. If all goes well, you will leave my office with approval to begin work on your film.
  • On Wednesday, we will discuss the process of writing a documentary film script. Before you come to class, please read “How to Draft a Documentary Script,” linked on the Readings page.
  • On Friday, we will apply the ideas from “How to Draft a Documentary Script” to Schlimazeltov!, one of the short documentaries we watched last week. Your homework for Friday is to watch Schlimazeltov! again, this time from the perspective of the filmmakers. Think specifically about the script of the film and how the filmmakers arranged the various components of the film into a coherent narrative. We will discuss this in class, so be prepared to share your insights.

If you have any questions about these plans, please email me.

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